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Orphanage-Ama a Tu Projimo (Love Thy Neighbor)


This orphanage was founded and is  run by a compassionate woman who was an abandoned child herself. It is for abandoned children who are rescued from the streets. These children have had many traumatic experiences. Ama a Tu Projimo is a safe and loving place that they can call home.  The children are well-cared for and happy. We have helped by donating, monetarily, needed items and service. This orphanage receive no assistance from the government. They rely on the goodwill of others. 

Pastor in Barahona


A pastor in Barahona strives to serve lunch to any child, ages 12 and under, who is in need each day. The only requirement he has is that they bring their own spoon. Some people don't even have a spoon, so they wait until a friend is finished and use theirs. We have sponsored a lunch and hope to sponsor more. We would also like to make sure everyone has a spoon.

Medical Need


This sweet girl is  9 years old and has an undiagnosed medical condition. Her right leg has multiple fractures and she is in constant pain. The doctors have been unsuccessful in diagnosing her condition. We are working with Shriner's Hospital for Children in Salt Lake City to have her diagnosed and treated here. It will drastically improve her quality of life. A member of our charity will sponsor her and her mother in their home. We will provide transportation to the United States and back to the Dominican Republic upon completion of her treatment.

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